Insight Into The Latest Fitness Consumer Trends

Johnson Reed
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Latest Fitness Consumer Trends

Gym owners, now is the perfect time to invest in your business. Why? We’re here to provide an insight into the latest fitness consumer trends to prove it.

The latest consumer trends and statistics may show you why now is the perfect time to invest in your business. 59% of people in the UK are now prioritising health over affordability whilst buying food (, showing that consumers are now willing to spend more on their physical health and well-being as a pose to opting for convenience. Alongside this, a “climbing session” has been added to the most recent UK’s Inflationary basket as a representation for recreational and sporting services ( This means that not only are people making healthier food choices, consumers are getting increasingly involved in physical activity which is music to all gym owners ears!

Still not convinced? To add to this, making it’s first-ever appearance in the Consumer price inflation basket of goods; sports bras, reflecting the rise in expenditure on sports clothing ( This can be seen as an increase in the amount of people who are planning on taking their fitness routine more seriously, and see it worth investing in, which leans towards the suspicion that your gym could very soon be seeing an influx in membership numbers. According to The Village Gym review, there has been a 68% increase in gym member’s post-lockdown (, which is a testament to people wanting to lose any unwanted weight that may have been gained during the several lockdowns we have endured!

So, after a tough and unpredictable couple of years, everything is looking good for the industry. But what does this mean for you? We know that life has 101 ongoing problems and your gym may already be performing well, but with these extremely positive stats and the common knowledge that people are becoming far more health conscious, it is offering you, as a gym owner, an opportunity. Whether you’re a 10k square-foot low cost gym or a small boutique PT studio, now is the time to plan for a period of growth. That’s where we come in.

At Johnson Reed, we can help you expand your gym to meet this increased demand in the industry and benefit from the increased consumer spending on health and fitness services. We offer various finance options to help you get the equipment that you and your members desire to kit out and enhance your gym service. You may be pleasantly surprised just how little it can cost per month to upgrade and expand your equipment. To find out more about our Lease It service click here.

If you want to find out more about how we can help finance your business, read more on our website, or call us today on 0161 429 4969, or you can email us ([email protected]).