Your credit score, in a nutshell, represents your financial stability and is often used as an indication of your ability to meet repayments in a credit agreement. A ‘clean’ rating is not only critical to your customer-supplier-relations, but also plays a vital role in your finance application. The more ‘creditworthy’ you appear to be, the more successful you’ll be in your application. There are a multitude of factors that can affect both your personal and business rating, so it’s important to be aware of these and know what you can do to avoid unnecessary stains on your credit report.

At Johnson Reed, clients often approach us seeking the secrets behind the perfect business plan to maximise their chances of raising required finance on the best terms. Whether you’re a new start, growing or established business, a comprehensive plan is crucial to your success. Stick with us as we take you through our key considerations and top tips.

The new EU General Data Protection Regulation will be coming into force in May 2018, and whilst that might seem a long way off, we know all too well how quickly time flies by! Representing the most significant changes in data privacy regulation in over 20 years, the GDPR will presumably require some changes to be made within your business. To ensure you’re fully being compliant by the time the enforcement date rolls around, it’s important to get acquainted with the regulation as soon as possible to allow you plenty of time to iron out any issues.

Whether you operate an open cafeteria for visitors, or provide catering on a larger scale for children’s parties, a successful catering operation can be a profitable revenue stream for the business and drive more new and repeat custom. We take a closer look at current industry trends to find out what the paying customers- parents and carers- are really looking for.

We’re often told that ‘Cash is King’. But what does it mean? Quite simply, cash flow refers to the money coming in and going out of a business. The key is to minimise outgoings and maximise your revenue streams where possible, and we’ve compiled some useful tips to help you do just that.

Technology is an increasingly integral part of any business, whether it be the bespoke software that manages your operation or the intrinsic IT hardware employees use day in, day out. The initial outlay for the purchase, however, can be incredibly prohibitive to cash flow- and that’s if the funds are even available in the business in the first place!

There are several different methods to consider when making a business investment or purchase, all of which, of course, have their own pros and cons. Whether you’re at the start-up stages or a growing SME, it’s important to weigh up the different options available to you, and carefully consider your business’ financial position before deciding upon the best course of action.

The Great British fish and chip industry is one of the key sectors in which we operate, helping hundreds of businesses around the UK purchase the equipment they need without having to resort to a costly bank loan. Whether you’re looking to start up a new business, upgrade your existing equipment, refurbish the premises or rebrand your business altogether, our friendly team is always on hand to help with your enquiries and almost always say ‘yes!’ to your finance requests.

And so it goes – after 43 years, Britain will be leaving the European Union, and after six years in the top spot, David Cameron will step down as Prime Minister. Whilst some are pleased with the result and feeling optimistic about the future, others are as disgruntled as the MEPS in European Parliament yesterday after Nigel Farage told them, “virtually none of you have ever done a proper job in your lives.”
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of fact and opinion flying around, you’re not alone. But what we’re struggling to gauge is – what happens now?

Without a doubt, the catering equipment market is booming. With an expected turnover of £1.1 billion this year, the upsurge in new equipment has fuelled growth in both suppliers and manufacturers alike, and the marketplace shows no sign of slowing. However despite this growth, businesses are facing ever-increasing challenges to meet the financial demands of buying new equipment, with many failing to afford to do so. Despite the advantages that new equipment can bring – such as higher quality food, lower waiting times, increased capacity, and ultimately a higher return – it’s often difficult to afford such a huge outlay when the average kitchen can range from £1,000 up to £250,000.
Educating businesses and SMEs in alternative ways of financing can be difficult. For many people, the mindset of getting finance is either a negative one – inevitably it will lead them into debt which they cannot afford – or that bank lending is the only option. Neither of these are true, and equipment financing is often a much better alternative to bank lending for its flexibility, amounts available, and repayment schedule.