When trying to find out the best way to fund your businesses expansion it can be difficult to work out the best way to get funding, often articles and reports can be contradictory and confusing. Even though headlines are saying that more money is being offered to SMEs through traditional banks, it can still be difficult to get quick and reasonable funding options.
Keeping ahead of your competition often means responding quickly to customer changes and making sure you have the most up-to-date equipment or changing your business décor. A quicker, simpler and more personal experience can be had from choosing a leasing option with Johnson Reed.

A business will always have overheads such as rent, staff, and rates. Making sure these bills don’t get the best of you and keeping your cash flow under control can sometimes be difficult. Here at Johnson Reed we want you to succeed so we have come up with some simple steps of how you can keep control.
The future of your business depends on preparation. This is a key factor for your business to grow. Planning a business expansion or preparing to face stiff competition in your sector means investment. It can be easy to lose control of your cash flow when you don’t plan ahead.

We all know a business needs to make sales to survive; securing a client purchase is key. You can offer them discounts, extra help, free fitting or specific knowledge on the subject but if the buyers cash flow isn’t there you will run into issues.
But don’t worry, that’s where Johnson Reed can help you. Vendors who use financing as a tool can not only successfully gain a sale, but it can increase the amount of equipment purchased and even lead to repeat sales.

Key summary: Asset finance increased by 25% to £1.7 billion in May over 2010 figures 1,000 small businesses take out equipment finance every day For 80% of firms, capital allowance had no impact on investment decisions   A report by the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) has revealed that asset finance lending had increased to … Read more

With the banks reluctance to lend, despite what seems any amount of government help, companies in all sectors especially the glass industry are going to have to start taking a lateral look at their funding needs and whilst the latest measures sound great we will have to wait and see if the support gets to … Read more

With the economic situation still in a state of flux, and the financial markets looking rocky, it’s difficult to see when the current state of affairs will end. This in turn is reflecting on the banking sector making them very nervous, so it’s not surprising that the high street banks will more than likely miss … Read more

With the banks reluctance to lend, despite what seems any amount of government help, companies in all sectors especially in the glass and glazing industry are going to have to start taking a lateral look at their funding needs. Whilst the latest measures sound great we will have to wait and see if the support … Read more

The latest Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) figures show that asset finance lending increased by 25% to £1.7 billion in May compared to the same time last year, with around 1,000 small businesses taking out equipment finance every day. “It’s great news that more and more SME businesses are seeing the advantages of assent finance … Read more

Small businesses used brokers to access more than £700 million worth of asset finance during December, January and February, according to the latest figures from the Finance & Leasing Association, the trade body for the asset finance industry. Broker-introduced asset finance was up by 31% in the three months to February, from £547m last year, … Read more