In a world where small companies need to preserve cash resources as much as they can to make funds available for extraordinary costs and emergency situations, it’s refreshing to learn of a means of extending your credit even further. Invoice finance, or cash flow finance, has been available for some time, but there appears to … Read more
Finance News
Business performance these days could be equated to battery life. And we all know that Duracell’s AAA batteries last the longest. But what effect will it have on Britain’s SMEs now that the country’s credit rating has been downgraded from AAA to AA1? Will our companies still be able to perform as well as that … Read more
At Johnson Reed, we’re certainly not heading for a triple-dip recession. We’ve come through all the turmoil of 2012 and burst into another new year with our heads held high. And there’s one very clear reason why. We’re quick. And banks aren’t. Many of the clients we have been helping out recently should have been … Read more
At Johnson Reed, we pride ourselves on the speed with which we can come to a decision to lend to our clients. In fact, because we realise that commercial requirements are often needed in a hurry, we’ve gained quite a reputation for stepping in when high street banks have simply been too slow in casting … Read more
The post-Christmas period is always the acid test for consumer confidence in the economy, and the brief festive lull also gives a breather to business leaders to sit back and gather their thoughts for the coming year. If it’s any consolation, after all that doom and gloom mongering in the run-up to Christmas, we did … Read more
It may be hard to believe, if you’ve ever queued at a Costa coffee shop in a motorway service area on a busy bank holiday weekend, but coffee sales have slumped over recent years. According to a recent industry report by Allegra Strategies, they’ve revealed a surprising fact that they think hasn’t been recognised by … Read more
As many of you know, funding for small businesses has become more difficult than ever, so the advantages of using a broker to help are now recognised at the highest possible level. The NACFB is engaged with Government and HM Treasury in sourcing high street lending and alternative forms of finance for SMEs throughout the … Read more
Banks are under pressure to increase lending to business owners, but many feel that the system is still hampered by traditional procedures that can be detrimental to the final outcome. It’s evident that, by approaching an independent finance house like Johnson Reed, positive decisions are much more likely. A report by the British Bankers Association … Read more
For a long time the country has been lauding the praises of the ‘baby boomer’ generation of the post-war years. But now it seems that the baby boomers have suddenly turned into pensioner bloomers. The government can’t afford their upkeep, and nobody wants to look after them in their old age. So, what’s the answer? … Read more
HM Revenue & Customs are coming to get you. But only, it seems, if you work in certain businesses. If you happen to be a market stall holder in London, a taxi firm in the East Midlands, a fast food takeaway outlet in Scotland or a landlord in Yorkshire, you’d better watch out, because HMRC … Read more