In an industry still feeling somewhat uneasy recently due to its unpredictability; the pre-COVID boom halted by the pandemic, now continuing through soaring overheads, interest rates and inflation, it’s important to focus on what you can control. Companies should be getting investment ready, not waiting for things to improve. To succeed, businesses need to keep … Read more
Johnson Reed News
Venturing down the finance route can initially seem a little daunting, typically associated with credit checks, tedious paperwork and onerous conditions. Whilst this may have been your experience with banks and finance houses in the past, this certainly doesn’t need to be the case. At Johnson Reed, we understand the time constraints and daily pressures of running a business, and facilitate your finance requirements in a quick, simple and fuss-free manner.
Only a recent addition to the UK market, the application already has 150,000+ products, 250+ manufacturers and generates around £3,000,000+ in quotes each day. Not only does the tool allow you to collate products and work out project costings, but it can also offer you a lease quote from the total cost, provided by Johnson Reed.
May outlined her intentions to leave the single market; a route she described as, “a clean break from the EU.”
The 12-point plan also proposes control over the number of EU migrants entering the UK and a continued collaboration with the EU over research initiatives and defence policy, whilst improving relationships between UK nations.
Johnson Reed have been growing quite rapidly in the past 12 months, with new recruits in admin, sales and marketing. We’re always explaining the benefits of leasing to you guys, but it’s actually our preferred method of acquiring equipment too. We’ve been working with suppliers, Tailored Office Solutions and Vaadhoo, to make some upgrades around the office. Catch up with the team here.