As many of you know, funding for small businesses has become more difficult than ever, so the advantages of using a broker to help are now recognised at the highest possible level. The NACFB is engaged with Government and HM Treasury in sourcing high street lending and alternative forms of finance for SMEs throughout the UK. This is the trade body for business finance brokers, whose members can source mortgages, bridging finance, vehicle finance, invoice finance and equipment finance for business.
The NACFB is currently sponsored by over 75 commercial finance institutions including banks, building societies, factors and lessors, all of whom ensure that clients have a real understanding of the facilities that have been negotiated, offering full explanations of terms and conditions.
Alongside the NACFB, Johnson Reed has the expertise to negotiate the best rates and terms for your business equipment needs, and we’re experienced in presenting and packaging an application on behalf of clients. It’s this thoroughness that greatly enhances your chances of securing finance. With zero growth just announced by the Bank of England, it’s more important than ever that we all pull together and get this country working again.