Specialist shop fitters CASCO are helping retailers finance new shop fittings by way of specialist leasing finance. The leasing option provides 100% tax relief throughout the term making it more cost effective than buying equipment outright. CASCO are recommending Johnson Reed, a company who are able to set up finance almost instantaneously, even when other lenders have failed. Thanks to CASCO, the ‘cat is out of the bag’ and more retailers are waking up to this lesser known, but more cost efficient method of financing new shop fittings.
Applications can be approved within 4 hours when arranging a finance lease facility with Johnson Reed. Arran Standing of Worthing Aquatics came up trumps when Johnson Reed arranged lease finance for him. Arran is happy to explain, “I was struggling to raise capital from another finance company and from my bank. However, once I approached Johnson Reed everything begun to move swimmingly. CASCO and Johnson Reed turned it around amazingly quickly, the finance was soon in place and I was ready to place an order for our fantastic installation”. The store now looks brilliant with 9 new aquarium racks, 5 reptile display units and a plant display.
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