Despite the well-documented attempts by the government to inject more impetus into the bank lending scenario, it’s just been announced that lending to UK businesses between December and February has dramatically fallen by nearly £5bn. This is an indication that the Funding for Lending scheme (FLS) is still not working as hoped for, and it’s … Read more

One of the sectors we always enjoy working with is the Soft Play sector, and we relish each opportunity we get to operate here and provide financing for soft play centers. We recently started working with Drake’s Den, a Plymouth based business operating since December 2009. We were first approached by Paul and Trudy Selvester … Read more

On November 10th 2011, HSBC announced it will be participating in the Government’s Regional Growth Fund (RGF), and initiative to support businesses that are recruiting. The £25 million which HSBC will receive from the fund will be used to support English small and medium sized businesses to hire new employees, and purchase assets such as … Read more

Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, has urged the government to set incentives for banks to boost the amount of lending to cash-tight small and medium sizes businesses. King has been questioned by members of the parliament’s Treasury Select Committee on the central bank’s decision to buy only gilts, rather than other assets … Read more

A preliminary survey of the European leasing market in 2010 by Leaseurope – the trade association representing the automotive rental industry – has shown that new leasing has increased on the continent by 4.9%, raising the total new volume of leased amounts to €227 billion. This is an increase from €209 billion in 2009. Such … Read more

Barclays has stopped offering asset finance to firms with turnover of less than £5 million a year, according to The Times. Give us news, not history, some might say! The pullout from the key area of small business lending comes in the wake of promises to the government that Barclays would boost loans to small … Read more